Learn Web Development With These Web Developer Courses - Learn HTML Online


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Learn Web Development With These Web Developer Courses

If you’re a newbie hoping to learn web development, these web developer courses below will be powerful tools in your journey to greater knowledge.
As you embark on this journey, remember that Google and websites like StackOverflow are your best friends. You will encounter many frustrating problems along the way, but they are all problems that have been solved by someone else before. You just need to find the answer.

Learn Web Development Basics Getting Started with the Web (Mozilla)

If you’re not sure what HTML even is, this is where you should start. This collection of articles called Getting Started with the Web is designed to get complete novices familiar with the basic functionality of websites. And the Mozilla Development Network (MDN) is an amazing resource for web development documentation, so bookmark them.
HTML and CSS are the backbone of every website in existence. They’re used to create the structure, content and visual design of web pages, and expert-level knowledge is essential for any web developer.


HTML Dog is an excellent, informal portal for those looking to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript rom scratch. It starts with extremely basic tutorials to get you up and running. But the best way to learn web development is to see real solutions to real problems. So once you’ve mastered that, you can move on to the interactive examples to explore how real web code works, and review the techniques section to see how common web development problems are solved.

Learn HTML & CSS (Codecademy)

Codecademy is an invaluable resource for folks looking to learn web development or learn to code. Instead of watching video lectures, you’ll learn to code in your browser, typing real HTML and CSS to accomplish real goals. Like many of their courses, the Codecademy’s HTML & CSS introduction is one of the best available.

Intro to HTML/CSS (Khan Academy)

Khan Academy’s HTML and CSS course will introduce you to the broad basics, with video lectures and coding challenges.

HTML5 Game Development (Udacity)

If you already known HTML but you want to expand your skills, we’ve got something for you too. You can use HTML5 to build in-browser games and high-performance web apps in this Google-sponsored course from Udacity. This intermediate-level course will be most useful to folks with a solid grounding in basic HTML.
JavaScript is the language used to create much of the user interaction you’ll find on web pages. As a scripting language, it’s more closely related to programming languages than markup languages like HTML. Nevertheless, it’s just as essential for a career in web development.

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